Articles by Dr. Katherine Lawson
Altered Consciousness
Benefits of Dream Work for the Dying
How Dreams Heal
Authentic Movement and Embodied Imagination
Additional Resources on Dreams
The Power of Dreams
Scientists say that some of our dreams are glimpses of parallel universes
When Dream Analysts Dream, What Do They Dream About?
How Do You Know Your Hand Is Really Yours?
America has hit a 'dreamlessness epidemic', and it is affecting our mental and physical health
Dreams Can Heal Mental Wounds
mysticism, psychedelics, Embodied Imagination®, possession, dual consciousness, altered consciousness, palliative care, hospice, death and dreaming, deathbed phenomena, end of life, neuroscience, psyche, guided dream work, healing, REM sleep, PTSD, trauma, parallel universe, mysticism, ancient civilizations, analysis, lucid dreaming, dream work, subconscious, mind/body, perception, identity, dreamlessness, REM, health, sleep, Movement, dance, somatic, psyche, imagination