Why dreamwork and Embodied Imagination?
“If we pay attention to our dreams, instead of living in a cold, impersonal world of meaningless chance, we may begin to emerge into a world of our own, full of important and secretly ordered events.”
Our dreams (and memories) have a purpose. The subconscious communicates with the conscious mind through imagery, so dreams are the path to bridging that gap and bringing symbolic images from the dream realm into waking life. Dreams are the path to wholeness.
Although we all dream about different things, dreams speak to us in the universal language of metaphor—the same language found throughout the world in myths, fairy tales, and religions. The images we experience in dreams hold collective metaphors that are unique to each individual dreamer. Embodied Imagination® facilitates access to the creative and therapeutic content of our dreams and opens the space for conversation between the conscious and unconscious realms.
Integrating the conscious and unconscious worlds through dream work can be an invaluable part of psychological growth and physical healing. As a cancer survivor, I have experienced post-trauma suffering first-hand. As a researcher and therapist, I understand that peace and happiness are as deeply embodied in us as are trauma and suffering.
As an Embodied Imagination® practitioner, with an MA in counseling psychotherapy and a PhD in Mind-Body Medicine, I know how to use these deep-rooted emotions along with dream imagery to facilitate growth and healing. The process creates a collaborative environment where I work with clients to embody, examine, and begin to understand profound emotional states that are not available to us in our waking life. By attuning to subconscious experiences in this way, we interrupt and change the neurological flooding, or emotional overwhelm. We can heal and calm the psycho-neurologic system, and bring our body, mind, and spirit into a more aligned state of wholeness and well-being. We can acquaint ourselves with fresh new perspectives and resources.
Individual Sessions
Book one-off Embodied Imagination Dreamwork, psychotherapy or psychedelic medicine integration sessions below.
Package offerings
If you’re interested in a more in-depth commitment to your healing, consider signing up for my six-session offering, Dream Incubation. This is a fascinating approach to dreamwork that guides you - the dreamer - to ask your dream realm a particular question, a question that you will continue to focus on throughout the six sessions. This package is perfect for those who are seeking healing, guidance, clarity or transformation on a specific theme or issue. Learn more about Dream Incubation below.
“The dream work uncovered subconscious patterns that have been underlying my daily decisions for years. The images in my dreams seemed innocuous but held the key to unlocking stored memories and self-sabotaging thoughts. They seemed innocent, which helped me explore them without any defense mechanisms.”
What is Embodied Imagination?
While dreaming we visit an in-between reality, populated by embodied intelligences that operate outside of the mind-body conundrum. During Embodied Imagination, imagination grows itself a body. Your body. We use imagery as the language of the unconscious and the body as a vehicle for expressing and relating to dream content. One becomes embodied by or absorbed into an image environment. The images are frequently described as benevolent companions who continue to offer support beyond the EI session. Support comes in the form of knowledge, qualities, and understanding possessed by the image, which could later be referenced by the dreamer.
What to expect
In an Embodied Imagination® dream work session, clients are relaxed into a hypnagogic state (the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep) where they are guided to re-inhabit the landscapes of their dream or memory from multiple perspectives—their own and those of the images and characters in the dream. The client then notices where within the body he or she most strongly feels the sensations and emotions of the image/s and is encouraged to anchor these states within the body to be revisited and integrated into waking life.