If you understand that your life and value are not diminished by aging, if you want to stand in dignity, power, and outrage with others like you, then you are vitally needed.

We are calling upon women everywhere to gather in community and council. By taking your seat at the council you will:

  • Understand aging as a sacred rite of passage

  • Acknowledge your value and trust your wisdom

  • Reclaim your importance as an Ancestor to future generations

  • Integrate the powerful Crone archetype

  • Be uplifted, and uplift each other!

What you’ve been told about aging is a lie.


Western culture today has woven a spell of fear and rejection around the process of aging. 

Rather than relating to aging as a meaningful and empowering rite of passage, we have been enshrouded in a story that covets youthfulness and creates shame, loneliness, and fear around the transition into our later years.

Here’s the truth. There is great and necessary power in becoming an elder. NOW is the time to reframe, reclaim and OWN the medicine of Crone energy.

Answer the call to awaken and empower the wise feminine elder within.

Retreat Details

November 5-7, 2021

9:30am - 1:30pm PST


All meetings will be held on Zoom

In our three days together, we will establish a sacred container for intimate group discussions, breakout activities, and experiential learning including:

  • Live demonstrations, guided meditations, and practices in Embodied Imagination® working with dreams and images 

  • Understanding that we don’t think our way to solutions, but feel our way with wisdom and intuition

  • Reflections and dialogue on what it means to become a wise elder

  • Tools and rituals to bring the sacred into your daily life

  • Prompts, themes, and resources to take beyond the workshop



We will look at the current social constructs around aging, and introduce the powerful energy of the Crone archetype. There will be opportunities to share and be guided in identifying personal thresholds.


We begin to shift from Ego to Soul, a necessary part of conscious aging. We will learn to find, recognize, and receive support, from within and without, along this journey.


We will learn to own our stories, cultivate the power of intuition, and embrace the deep wisdom and strength gained by uniting our masculine and feminine energies. We will participate in shaping a new unifying myth as the ancestors of the future; now.

Meet Your Guides



Embodying Crone energy, I support leaders, organizations, and individual seekers, guiding them to new levels of creativity, self-knowledge, fulfillment, and productivity. I combine Mind-Body Medicine research with a deep understanding of psychology, spirituality, and neuroscience to bring a more meaningful approach to life, work, and relationships.

I have a Ph.D. in Mind-Body Medicine and an MA in Counseling Psychotherapy. My passion is in Integrative Mental Health, with a focus on the intersections between the brain, mind, body, and personality, and the powerful ways in which mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral factors affect health and happiness.

I share my personal journey with cancer as well as work with cancer patients teaching the practice of Embodied Imagination® to cultivate creativity, growth and healing.

I've spoken at top innovative companies and universities such as the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and Google, on topics about healing, innovation, and sustainable well-being.



I am a certified professional life coach helping people create the life they truly want to live. I work with individuals to embody their authentic selves, expand their perspectives, clarify their desires and values, and take conscious actions to manifest change across all aspects of their lives.

I believe when we engage more purposefully in our own lives, positive energy flows through our relationships and work, resulting in greater ease and harmony around us. I blend cognitive psychology with mind body practices, grounded equally in the spiritual and the practical realms of daily life. 

In my prior career, I was a design leader for technology companies turning ideas into tangible products and experiences. As a human-centric designer, it has always been about people – understanding who they are, what they need, and how they connect to their social and cultural surroundings. I bring the creativity, curiosity and holistic thinking of a design mind to my work as a coach; only now, my purpose is to help people activate their full human potential.